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Supergirl: Teri Hatcher Joins Season 2 As Recurring Teri Hatcher is joining the Season 2 cast of the CW's Supergirl in a recurring role Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) - Wikipedia Supergirl is a fictional superheroine appearing in comic books published by DC Comics and related media The character was created by writer Otto Binder and designed Supergirl DC DCComicscom: Welcome to the Official Site for DC DC is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes including SUPERMAN BATMAN WONDER WOMAN GREEN LANTERN THE Supergirl (Linda Danvers) - Wikipedia Linda Danvers formerly known as Supergirl is a fictional comic book superhero appearing in books published by DC Comics Created by writer Peter David and artist Supergirl Video - Luthors Watch Online Free - cwtvcom Supergirl Video: The exclusive home for Supergirl free full episodes previews clips interviews and more video Only on The CW Supergirl (TV Series 2015 ) - IMDb Supergirl and Superman team up to stop a new threat emerging in National City A Kryptonian pod comes crashing down to Earth Anna Naklab feat Alle Farben & YOUNOTUS - Supergirl Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist Follow Up to "Supergirl" - NEW Anna Naklab Video - "Whole": Supergirl: Season 2 - TV - IGN IGN is the Supergirl: Season 2 resource with episode guides reviews video clips pictures news previews and more Supergirl: "Survivors" Review - IGN Supergirl has really been building up its cast this season what with additions like Superman Mon-El Lena Luthor Maggie Sawyer and most recently Miss Supergirl official First Look trailer (2015) Melissa first official trailer for Supergirl by CBS from the press release SUPERGIRL is an action-adventure drama based on the DC Comics character Kara Zor-El
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